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Keith B. Carter

KBC Global Partners Leader:

Actionable Intelligence To Sell One More Product

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Keith B. Carter's mission: help businesses achieve value from their data investments by monetizing data and delighting customers with actionable intelligence.


Keith is lead partner, technology strategy at KBC Global Partners. 

Founder, ELKS-AI,

IE University Fellow at Center for Governance of Change,

Bretton Woods Committee Member.

Author of Amazon Bestseller "Actionable Intelligence: A guide to delivering Business Results with Big Data, Fast!" Wiley, New York 2014. Reached top 100 books in Amazon and Top 3 books for Competitive Intelligence by Cipher Systems.

Contributing author, "Leading with IT: Lessons from Singapore's First CIO" by Professor Alex Siow published by Wiley 2021.


He has taught at NUS’s Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy on AI, Privacy, Cybersecurity. He received the university award for teaching as Associate Professor, National University of Singapore (NUS) School of Computing and was Founding Director, NUS Ripple FinTech Lab and was Founding Co-Director, Crystal Centre a deep-tech research center. He created the NUS FinTech Society, NUS FinTech SG a recognized mid-career conversion program.


Prior to academia, he worked for 12 years at Estee Lauder where he led improvements in procurement, supplychain, competitive intelligence and delivered tangible performance improvements to COGS and ROIC. Prior to that he was at Accenture (Andersen Consulting) Financial Services Advanced Systems Group working with clients including Goldman Sachs, Solomon Brothers and NYS Government.


He has a bachelors in Electical Computer Systems Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institue and Masters from Cornell University.


He also is a private pilot and certified in counter terrorism. 

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